Moeten jongeren tussen 18 en 20 een wapenvergunning krijgen?
Niet omdat ze een wapen nodig hebben maar alleen omdat ze
daartoe het recht hebben volgens de grondwet >>> zegt de RNA
Handguns for 18-Year-Olds?
Published: November 25, 2010
The National Rifle Association keeps coming up with clever new ways to undermine public safety.
Finally, the gun lobby has filed two lawsuits in federal court in Lubbock, Tex., to compel the State
of Texas to allow young people between the ages of 18 and 20 years old to buy handguns and
carry them concealed in public places
Beyond the dubious legal claims, the idea that young individuals ages 18 to 20 have a constitutional
right to buy weapons and carry them loaded and concealed in public is breathtakingly irresponsible.
Young people in that age range commit a disproportionate amount of gun violence. F.B.I. crime data
from 2009 shows arrests for murder, nonnegligent homicides and other violent crimes peaking from
ages 18 to 20. That age group accounts for about 5 percent of the population but nearly 20 percent
of homicide and manslaughter arrests, and nearly twice the number of such arrests for those ages
30 to 34, according to the F.B.I. figures.
What the N.R.A. should be doing is keeping our streets and our teenagers safer by working to
extend the prohibition on guns sales to people 18 to 20 years old by licensed dealers to
include unlicensed sellers at gun shows and elsewhere.
Niet omdat ze een wapen nodig hebben maar alleen omdat ze
daartoe het recht hebben volgens de grondwet >>> zegt de RNA
Handguns for 18-Year-Olds?
Published: November 25, 2010
The National Rifle Association keeps coming up with clever new ways to undermine public safety.
Finally, the gun lobby has filed two lawsuits in federal court in Lubbock, Tex., to compel the State
of Texas to allow young people between the ages of 18 and 20 years old to buy handguns and
carry them concealed in public places
Beyond the dubious legal claims, the idea that young individuals ages 18 to 20 have a constitutional
right to buy weapons and carry them loaded and concealed in public is breathtakingly irresponsible.
Young people in that age range commit a disproportionate amount of gun violence. F.B.I. crime data
from 2009 shows arrests for murder, nonnegligent homicides and other violent crimes peaking from
ages 18 to 20. That age group accounts for about 5 percent of the population but nearly 20 percent
of homicide and manslaughter arrests, and nearly twice the number of such arrests for those ages
30 to 34, according to the F.B.I. figures.
What the N.R.A. should be doing is keeping our streets and our teenagers safer by working to
extend the prohibition on guns sales to people 18 to 20 years old by licensed dealers to
include unlicensed sellers at gun shows and elsewhere.