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    Clinton Foundation


    Clinton Foundation  Empty Clinton Foundation

    Bericht  Caspar 20.02.15 21:07

    Clinton Foundation
    bekritiseerd voor Donaties van oliemaatschappijen, olierijke Naties
    Hillary Clinton, gezien als de waarschijnlijke Democratische koploper voor het presidentschap,
    werd onder vuur van milieugroeperingen genomen nadat werd geopenbaard dat haar non-profit
    stichting miljoenen heeft ontvangen aan donaties van fossiele brandstof bedrijven, de regeringen
    van Saoedi-Arabië en Qatar, en een Canadese overheidsinstelling die de Keystone XL oliepijpleiding
    bevordert. De Clinton Foundation, gerund door Hillary en Bill Clinton, en hun dochter Chelsea, heeft
    tot bijna $ 2 miljard ingezameld sinds zijn oprichting in 2001.

    Februari 20, 2015 - 22011

    Clinton Foundation  Empty The Secret World

    Bericht  Caspar 21.02.15 18:39

    The Secret World of a Well-Paid ‘Donor Adviser’ in Politics

    By  NICHOLAS CONFESSORE   -  FEB. 5, 2015

    A constellation of left-leaning nonprofits and “super PACs”  * are raising tens of millions of dollars to
    pave the way for Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign — and nearly all of them have paid
    Mary Pat Bonner a cut.

    Over the past several years, the groups, which include American Bridge 21st Century, Media Matters
    for America and the super PAC Ready for Hillary, have paid Ms. Bonner’s consulting firm in excess of
    $6 million to help them cultivate wealthy donors and raise money, according to tax filings and
    campaign disclosures.

    Ms. Bonner’s contracts give her firm a commission, typically 12.5 percent, on any money she
    brings in.
    Her tenacity, ties to wealthy givers and mastery of making donors happy have made
    Ms. Bonner, 48, among the most successful practitioners of a trade that is virtually invisible to voters
    but has taken on immense power and influence in the post-Citizens United world.

    Almost every candidate for high office must now court ultrarich donors to finance super PACs. And
    with each party more reliant than ever on networks of outside groups to supplement its advertising
    and opposition research, fund-raisers like Ms. Bonner hold the keys to the big-money kingdom.
    “The Bonner Group gets us the best fund-raising product for the lowest cost,” said David Brock, the
    founder of the monitoring group Media Matters and the super PAC American Bridge. “In my
    experience, the commission incentivizes the fund-raiser to meet the ambitious goals we set.”

    etcetera ...............  
    >> zoekterm:  The Secret World of a Well-Paid ‘Donor Adviser’ in Politics


      Het is nu 19.05.24 3:31