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Filosofie Kaffee

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2 plaatsers

    Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin


    Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin Empty Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin

    Bericht  Caspar 21.07.14 16:30

    Quote For The Day II
    Jul 20 2014 @ 8:26pm

    “Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever. Liberation of parts of our land forever is
    the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land
    . Subsequent to the
    elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by
    Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel. The coastal train line will be extended,
    as soon as possible, to reach the entire length of Gaza.

    According to polls, most of the Arabs in Gaza wish to leave. Those who were not involved in anti-
    Israel activity will be offered a generous international emigration package. Those who choose to
    remain will receive permanent resident status. After a number of years of living in Israel and
    becoming accustomed to it, contingent on appropriate legislation in the Knesset and the
    authorization of the Minister of Interior, those who personally accept upon themselves Israel’s rule,
    substance and way of life of the Jewish State in its Land, will be offered Israeli citizenship,” – MK
    Moshe Feiglin, outlining a future for Gaza that will also surely, eventually, after another
    provocation, be applied to the West Bank.

    Moshe Feiglin
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Hier de stellingen van een man die duidelijke taal spreekt, recht voor z'n raap.
    Hij plaatst de Arabieren in dezelfde positie als de indianen in N.Amerika in de 19e eeuw.
    Een goeie Arabier is een dooie Arabier.

    Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin Empty Re: Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin

    Bericht  Mariakat 21.07.14 18:48

    Zo lijkt het wel.

    De vraag is en blijft dan.
    Zijn dit sterk persoonlijke meningen?
    Of is deze meneer daadwerkelijk een vertegenwoordiger van de Israeliër in straat?
    Of geldt beide, vanwege hoeveel invloed hij heeft?

    Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin Empty Re: Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin

    Bericht  Caspar 21.07.14 21:18

    Mariakat schreef :
    De vraag is en blijft dan.
    Zijn dit sterk persoonlijke meningen?
    Of is deze meneer daadwerkelijk een vertegenwoordiger van de Israeliër in straat?
    Of geldt beide, vanwege hoeveel invloed hij heeft?

    Hoe groot zijn invloed is weet ik niet; hij heeft wel aspiraties voor
    het premierschap; hij zit bij de mensen die het beleid bepalen.

    Moshe Feiglin

    Uit dit lange verhaal :

    In November 1996, Moshe Feiglin established the Manhigut Yehudit movement to foster Jewish
    leadership for Israel. In 2000, the movement joined Israel's Likud party as a faction dedicated to
    the same goal. Feiglin declared that he would be a candidate for chairmanship of the party
    as a springboard for premiership of the State of Israel.

    Temple Mount
    Feiglin's platform states:

    “We have to internalize that this is our Land – exclusively.... Most important: We must expel
    the Moslem wakf from the Temple Mount and restore exclusive Israeli sovereignty over this
    most holy site.”[33]

    Comments on Arabs

    Arabs are “a gang of bandits that never produced anything and never wanted to produce anything –
    a gang of bandits that for over one thousand years (since Islam was born) has lived on robbery and
    terror. . . . Since their establishment, the Arab states have produced nothing but poverty, suffering,
    wars – and fantastic wealth for their leaders.”[67]

    The Arabs engage in typical Amalek[68] behaviour. I can't prove this genetically but this is the
    behaviour of Amalek.[69]

    We shall offer them human rights without civil rights, so long as they prove their loyalty to their
    Jewish state host and accept Jewish sovereignty over their land. In such a situation they will be
    given legal-resident status and they can carry on their private affairs without anyone infringing on
    their human rights.[70]

    Remarks on the role of women

    During his 2013 campaign, Feiglin reiterated his view that women's role in Israeli society should be
    based on Jewish Biblical principles. In response to a question about feminism, Feiglin was quoted as
    saying: “ 'Tel Aviv has become a city that has erased masculinity and where being a man is
    considered a sickness' and added that feminism has destroyed family values, something essential
    to Judaism. . . . Pressed further, he stated that 'the man is the family while the woman is the home
    [literally "house"]' and that in our current culture we are forgetting 'what it means to be a man.'

    Approach to homosexuals

    Feiglin wrote an article in 2009 entitled "I Am A Proud Homophobe."[90] In 2012, he wrote several
    posts on his Facebook page detailing his views on gays. “The gay pride parade isn't about rights.
    It's about forcing the values of the minority onto the majority, effectively locking the majority into
    the proverbial closet. Homosexual "rights" undermine the normative family, the foundation of our

    Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin Empty My Outline for a Solution for Gaza: By Moshe Feiglin

    Bericht  Caspar 21.07.14 21:55

    My Outline for a Solution for Gaza: By Moshe Feiglin


    1. Ultimatum – One warning from the Prime Minister of Israel to the enemy population, in
    which he announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who
    are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately. Sinai is not far from Gaza and
    they can leave. This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts. Hamas may unconditionally
    surrender and prevent the attack.

    2. Attack – Attack of the entire ‘target bank’ throughout the Gaza Strip with the IDF’s
    maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal. All the
    military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’
    or ‘environmental damage’.
    It is enough that we are hitting exact targets and that we gave them
    advance warning.

    3. Siege – Parallel to the above, a total siege on Gaza. Nothing will enter the Strip. Israel,
    however, will allow exit from Gaza. (Civilians may go to Sinai, fighters may surrender to IDF forces).

    4. Defense – Any place from which Israel or Israel’s forces were attacked will be
    immediately attacked with full force and no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental

    5. Conquer – After the IDF will complete the softening of the targets with its aerial and long
    distance fire-power, it will send in infantry to conquer the entire Gaza Strip, using all the means
    necessary to minimize any harm to our soldiers, with no other considerations.

    6. Elimination- The GSS and IDF will thoroughly eliminate all armed enemies from Gaza. The
    enemy population that is innocent of wrong-doing and separated itself from the armed terrorists
    will be treated in accordance with international law and will be allowed to leave. Israel will
    generously aid those who wish to leave.

    7. Sovereignty – Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever. Liberation of parts of
    our land forever is the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land.
    Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will
    be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel.
    The coastal train line
    will be extended, as soon as possible, to reach the length of the Gaza Strip. According to polls,
    most of the Arabs in Gaza wish to leave. Those who were not involved in anti-Israel activity will be
    offered a generous international emigration package. Those who choose to remain will receive
    permanent resident status. After a number of years of living in Israel and becoming accustomed to
    it, contingent on appropriate legislation in the Knesset and the authorization of the Minister of
    Interior on a case by case basis, those who personally accept upon themselves Israel’s rule,
    substance and way of life of the Jewish State in its Land, will be offered Israeli citizenship.

    Op-Ed: My Outline for a Solution in Gaza
    Clear and concise, the steps towards achieving quiet in Gaza.

    Published: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 11:01 PM
    Lees de (471) commentaren.

    Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin Empty Overweging

    Bericht  Caspar 22.07.14 20:35

    Overweging :

    Merk op dat Feiglin nergens spreekt over Palestijnen of Palestina.
    Hij heeft het steeds over Arabieren.

    Het schuldgevoel over de vervolging van Joden heeft er voor gezorgd
    dat de hele wereld heeft toegekeken hoe in Palestina een koekoeksei
    gelegd en uitgebroed is. En dat jonge broedsel maakt zich meester
    van de situatie en duwt alles uit het nest.

    De Palestijnen betalen de rekening voor de Holocaust. Ze zijn ook
    de dupe van het machtsstreven van de VS die in het midden-oosten
    een bondgenoot hard nodig hebben en Israel zijn gang laten gaan.

    Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin Empty Welkom John Kerry

    Bericht  Caspar 24.07.14 10:27

    John Kerry: War Criminal, Liar, or Both
    Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on print More Sharing Services 5

    By William A. Levinson
    7/23/2014, 7:07 PM

    William A. Levinson
    William A. Levinson is the author or editor of nine books on management,...
    ► More from this writer

    This is the individual who said Israel might become an "apartheid state."
    Some of this material is from "Genghis Khan, Secretary of State," of which I am the author and owner.
    The infamously insane Roman emperor Caligula made his horse a Roman Consul. Barack Obama
    made John Kerry Secretary of State. Rome, unlike the United States, at least got the entire horse.
    John Kerry is, per his own admission, a war criminal, a liar, or both.

    John Kerry: Admitted Felon, Liar, or Both
    There is a huge legal difference between an admitted felon and a convicted felon. Neither John
    Kerry nor Barack Obama's friend William Ayers was ever convicted of a felony, but both said they
    committed felonies. Ayers said he was "guilty as hell, free as a bird," to which he added, "I don't
    regret setting bombs" and "I feel we didn't do enough." John Kerry was similarly never brought to
    trial for the things he said he did in Vietnam, but his own admission that he did them should be
    more than enough to disqualify him from any position of public trust or responsibility.

    Mr. Crosby Noyes (Washington Evening Star, on Meet the Press, 18 Apr 1971): "Mr. Kerry, you said
    at one time or another that you think our policies in Vietnam are tantamount to genocide and that
    the responsibility lies at all chains of command over there. Do you consider that you personally as a
    Naval officer committed atrocities in Vietnam or crimes punishable by law in this country?"

    Mr. Kerry: "There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say that yes, I committed the
    same kinds of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in
    shootings in free-fire zones, I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used .50 caliber
    machine guns, which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against
    people. I took part in search-and-destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary
    to the laws of warfare, all of this is contrary to the Geneva Convention and all of this is ordered as a
    matter of written established policy by the government of the United States from the top down. And
    I believe that the men who designed these, the men who designed the free-fire zone, the men who
    ordered us, the men who signed off on the air raid strike areas, I think that these men, by the
    letter of the law, the same letter of the law that tried Lieutenant Calley, are war criminals."

    In fairness to Mr. Kerry, 50 caliber machine guns are perfectly legal for use against enemy
    personnel, as long as the rounds are not explosive. (Bullets that explode in an enemy soldier's
    body have been illegal since 1868.) The 50 caliber machine guns that are mounted on American
    and other tanks are explicitly dual purpose (anti-personnel and anti-aircraft) weapons.

    A free fire zone is simply one where no friendly troops, or civilians, are assumed to be present.
    "Search and destroy" refers to actions against hostile combatants, so none of these sound like war
    crimes. Burning villages could be another matter. It sounds like Genghis John the Khan bent over
    backward to blood libel his own country, and fellow service members, during time of war. However,
    if Kerry really believes that the superiors who gave him orders were war criminals, than he is one


    Kennelijk staan de verhoudingen met de VS op scherp.

    Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin Empty Feiglin in 2008 en in 2014

    Bericht  Caspar 11.08.14 22:40

    Feiglin behoort tot de extreme rechterzijde van Likud en was jarenlang een tegenstander van
    partijleider Netanyahu, maar bij de vorige verkiezingen kreeg hij een goede plaats op de lijst.
    Dat getuigt van het groeiend belang van zijn fractie. Als beloning werd hij ook benoemd tot
    ondervoorzitter van de Knesset.
    Kanshebber verkiezing Israël prees Hitler
    11-12-2008 15:14
    | ANP/AFP

    Moshe Feiglin, maakt kans op een parlementszetel ondanks zijn lovende woorden voor Hitler en het
    Duitsland van de nazi’s. Een ultrarechtse Israëlische politicus van de partij Likud, Moshe Feiglin,
    maakt kans op een parlementszetel ondanks zijn lovende woorden voor Hitler en het Duitsland van
    de nazi’s. Dit berichtten Israëlische media donderdag.

    Feiglin is een joodse kolonist en noemde de Duitse dictator Adolf Hitler eerder „een ongekend groot
    militair genie, die van kunst en muziek hield". En Hitlers nationaalsocialisme maakte van de
    gedegenereerde Duitse jeugd een geordend onderdeel van de Duitse samenleving. Die kreeg door
    Hitler „een voorbeeldig regime met een effectief justitieel apparaat en een goede openbare orde".
    Feiglin loofde Hitler–Duitsland in een vraaggesprek met de krant Haaretz in 1995.

    Bij interne verkiezingen in de partij Likud staat Feiglin nu op de twintigste plaats op de lijst.
    Volgens opiniepeilingen maakt Likud bij de verkiezingen in februari kans op dertig zetels.
    Feiglin verduidelijkte donderdag in de krant Maariv dat zijn constateringen over Hitlers regime niet
    betekenen dat hij hem bewondert. Feiglin leidt een fanatiek groepje binnen Likud die hij Joods
    Leiderschap heeft genoemd.

    Hitlers Derde Rijk (1933–1945) werd onder meer berucht door de uitroeiing van miljoenen joodse
    Europeanen en de meedogenloze bezetting en kolonisatie van veroverde gebieden, vooral in Polen
    en de Sowjet–Unie. Feiglin woont als kolonist op de in 1967 door Israël bezette Westelijke


    Israëlisch parlementslid wil Palestijnse dialysepatiënten dood
    Door Redactie NierNieuws  ---  Gepubliceerd: dinsdag 15-07-2014 |

    Moshe Feiglin, lid van het Israëlische parlement de Knesset, heeft zijn ministerpresident gevraagd
    om de elektriciteit naar Gaza af te sluiten. De reden? Dat overleven de plaatselijke dialysepatiënten niet.

    Feiglin is lid van de regerende rechtse Likud-partij en heeft een aanzienlijk verleden als radicale
    Joodse activist. Hij is ervan overtuigd dat de Israëlische regering en het leger alleen het juiste
    doen. Als voorzitter van de Knesset laat hij parlementsleden die vinden dat het leger
    oorlogsmisdaden pleegt, afvoeren.

    In een toespraak voor afgelopen weekend stelde hij voor om de levens van de Israëlisch soldaten
    nog even te sparen door de Gazanen eerst op een andere manier aan te pakken: 'Het bloed van
    een dialysepatiënt in Gaza is niet roder dan het bloed van onze Israëlische soldaten die, God
    verhoede, zullen moeten binnenvallen in Gaza. Daarom roep ik onze minister-president [...] op om,
    voordat we ons leger naar Gaza sturen, eerst simpelweg hun elektriciteit af te sluiten.'ëlisch_parlementslid_wil_Palestijnse_dialysepatiënten_dood


    Welcome to the Knesset - Israel's Apartheid Parliament, 9 July 2014


    Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land

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    Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin Empty Re: Stellingen van Moshe Feiglin

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