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Filosofie Kaffee

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Filosofie Kaffee

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    Tegenspraak Empty Tegenspraak

    Bericht  Caspar 15.08.11 0:14

    Tegenspraak tussen woorden en daden
    of beter gezegd tussen de woorden van politici en de (gruwel)daden van het leger.

    Zie de oproep van president Roosevelt van 1-9-1939 om de burgerbevolking te ontzien;
    en vervolgens de dagboekaantekeningen van president Truman van 25 -7-1945. Truman zegt hier :
    "military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and not women and children."
    Maar hij ging accoord met de door het leger genoemde doelen !!
    Hij verwijst ook nog even naar de bijbel : "It may be the fire destruction prophesied
    in the Euphrates Valley Era, after Noah and his fabulous Ark".

    De legerorder gericht aan generaal Spaatz is ook van 25-7-1945 waar als doelen van de atoombom de
    steden Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata and Nagasaki genoemd worden.De generaal verwijst naar
    "the Secretary of War and the President of the United States" over alles wat met de bom te maken heeft.

    Tot slot de bombardementen op steden waarbij de burgerbevolking het doelwit was. De oproep van
    Roosevelt in '39 stelde de norm maar het had geen effect op de legerleiding.
    Vraag : geldt nog steeds het recht van de sterkste, alle mooie principes ten spijt?
    Appeal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on Aerial Bombardment of Civilian Populations,
    September 1, 1939

    The President of the United States to the Governments of France, Germany, Italy, Poland and
    His Britannic Majesty, September 1, 1939

    The ruthless bombing from the air of civilians in unfortified centers of population
    during the course of the hostilities which have raged in various quarters of the earth during
    the past few years, which has resulted in the maiming and in the death of thousands of
    defenseless men, women, and children, has sickened the hearts of every civilized man and woman,
    and has profoundly shocked the conscience of humanity.

    If resort is had to this form of inhuman barbarism during the period of the tragic conflagration
    with which the world is now confronted, hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings who
    have no responsibility for, and who are not even remotely participating in, the hostilities
    which have now broken out, will lose their lives.

    I am therefore addressing this urgent appeal to every government which may be engaged in
    hostilities publicly to affirm its determination that its armed forces shall in no event, and
    under no circumstances, undertake the bombardment from the air of civilian populations or
    of unfortified cities
    , upon the understanding that these same rules of warfare will be scrupulously
    observed by all of their opponents. I request an immediate reply.

    Harry S. Truman, Diary, July 25, 1945
    President Truman told his diary on July 25, 1945, that he had ordered the bomb used.
    Emphasis has been added to highlight Truman's apparent belief that he had ordered the bomb
    dropped on a "purely military" target, so that "military objectives and soldiers and sailors
    are the target and not women and children."
    We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world.
    It may be
    the fire destruction prophesied in the Euphrates Valley Era, after Noah and his fabulous Ark.

    Anyway we "think" we have found the way to cause a disintegration of the atom. An experiment in
    the New Mexico desert was startling - to put it mildly. Thirteen pounds of the explosive caused
    the complete disintegration of a steel tower 60 feet high, created a crater 6 feet deep and
    1,200 feet in diameter, knocked over a steel tower 1/2 mile away and knocked men down 10,000 yards
    away. The explosion was visible for more than 200 miles and audible for 40 miles and more.

    This weapon is to be used against Japan between now and August 10th. I have told the Sec. of War,
    Mr. Stimson, to use it so that military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and
    not women and children
    . Even if the Japs are savages, ruthless, merciless and fanatic, we as
    the leader of the world for the common welfare cannot drop that terrible bomb on the old
    capital or the new.

    He and I are in accord. The target will be a purely military one and we will issue a warning
    statement asking the Japs to surrender and save lives. I'm sure they will not do that, but we will
    have given them the chance. It is certainly a good thing for the world that Hitler's crowd
    or Stalin's did not discover this atomic bomb. It seems to be the most terrible thing ever
    discovered, but it can be made the most useful...
    Truman quoted in Robert H. Ferrell, Off the Record: The Private Papers of Harry S. Truman
    (New York: Harper and Row, 1980) pp. 55-56. Truman's writings are in the public domain.
    Official Bombing Order, July 25, 1945
    DECLASSIFIED E.O. 11652, Secs 3(E) and 5(D) or (E) NND 730039 By ERC NARS, Date 6-4-74
    25 July 1945 TO:
    General Carl Spaatz Commanding General United States Army Strategic Air Forces

    1. The 509 Composite Group, 20th Air Force will deliver its first special bomb as soon as
    weather will permit visual bombing after about 3 August 1945 on one of the targets:
    Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata and Nagasaki.

    To carry military and civilian scientific personnel from the War Department to observe and
    record the effects of the explosion of the bomb, additional aircraft will accompany the
    airplane carrying the bomb. The observing planes will stay several miles distant from the
    point of impact of the bomb.

    2. Additional bombs will be delivered on the above targets as soon as made ready by the
    project staff. Further instructions will be issued concerning targets other than those listed above.

    3. Discussion of any and all information concerning the use of the weapon against Japan is reserved
    to the Secretary of War and the President of the United States. No communiques on the subject or
    releases of information will be issued by Commanders in the field without specific prior
    authority. Any news stories will be sent to the War Department for specific clearance.

    4. The foregoing directive is issued to you by direction and with the approval of the Secretary
    of War and of the Chief of Staff, USA. It is desired that you personally deliver one copy of this
    directive to General MacArthur and one copy to Admiral Nimitz for their information.

    (Sgd) THOS. T. HANDY THOS. T. HANDY General, G.S.C. Acting Chief of Staff copy for General Groves

    Bombardementen op steden
    Tweede Wereldoorlog: 1939-1945

    De Duitsers zelf waren ermee begonnen: het Spaanse Guernica (1937), het Poolse Wielún (1939) en
    Rotterdam (1940) werden getroffen door een bommenregen en de Battle of Britain (1940-1941) kostte
    meer dan 25.000 burgerslachtoffers. Voornamelijk in Londen, maar ook in andere steden als Bristol,
    Liverpool, Birmingham en Coventry.

    In 1944 en 1945 werden Duitse raketten V1’s en V2 ‘s vanaf het Europese vasteland vooral op Londen
    gericht. Ze waren weinig precies, met meer dan achtduizend burgerslachtoffers tot gevolg.

    Al dan niet in reactie op de Duitse oorlogstactiek gingen de geallieerden over tot grootscheepse
    bombardementen op Duitse steden. In 1940 was Berlijn al gebombardeerd met relatief weinig
    doden tot gevolg. Van een geheel andere orde waren de planmatig uitgevoerde bombardementen
    die vanaf 1942 werden uitgevoerd onder de Britse commandant Arthur “Bomber” Harris.


    Tegenspraak Empty Re: Tegenspraak

    Bericht  marmot 24.08.11 8:38

    Tegenspraak tussen woorden en daden.

    Volgens mij een veelvoorkomend verschijnsel... helaas. Embarassed


      Het is nu 17.11.24 5:34