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Filosofie Kaffee

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    Afghanistan Empty Afghanistan

    Bericht  Caspar 19.09.10 9:59

    Afghan Vote Marked by Light Turnout and Violence
    Hossein Fatemi/Associated Press

    Afghans cast their ballots in Kabul on Saturday.
    At least 10 people were killed, scores of polling stations were attacked
    and hundreds of them apparently never opened.

    Afghanistan Empty Geschiedenis

    Bericht  Caspar 30.09.10 23:10

    Hoogte- en dieptepunten uit de geschiedenis van Afghanistan:

    Probeer je voor te stellen hoe die bevolking er aan toe is na zoveel jaren strijd.


    Afghanistan Empty Afghanistan

    Bericht  Caspar 03.01.11 15:51

    Afghanistan: Krieg forderte 2010 offiziell 10.000 Tote

    In Afghanistan sind im vergangenen Jahr fast zehntausend Menschen durch Gewalttaten getötet worden.
    Unter den Opfern seien mehr als 5200 Aufständische, teilte das Innenministerium in Kabul am Montag mit.
    Auch seien knapp 1300 afghanische Polizisten sowie mehr als 2000 Zivilisten bei Anschlägen und anderen
    Gewalttaten ums Leben gekommen.

    Afghanistan Empty Dancing Boy

    Bericht  Caspar 03.01.11 16:02

    'Dancing Boy' Scandal Taints Both Americans and Afghans

    To win over Afghan locals, American contractor DynCorp bankrolled 'bacha bazi' parties -- the culturally
    accepted practice of pedophilia by men against boys.
    December 28, 2010

    Every culture has its dark secrets, the practices that many people on the outside would frown on or shudder at.
    There’s Mormons and polygamy. Hindus and sati. Muslims and virgin brides. And many other cultures that have
    very specific practices associated with them.

    Children were abused on American military dollars. The cables are undoubtedly an embarrassment to the war effort.
    Whereas previously bacha bazi was used in the media to stress the necessity of the war effort – "these people
    need to be liberated," so the theory went – the WikiLeaks cables have completely reversed that notion. Americans
    are clearly not liberators if they are promoting child abuse instead of preventing and prohibiting it.

    Afghanistan Empty Schietschijven

    Bericht  Caspar 03.03.11 22:42

    Nine Afghan Boys Collecting Firewood Killed by NATO Helicopters
    By ALISSA J. RUBIN and SANGAR RAHIMI --- Published: March 2, 2011

    KABUL, Afghanistan — Nine boys collecting firewood to heat their homes in the
    eastern Afghanistan mountains were killed by NATO helicopter gunners who mistook
    them for insurgents, according to a statement on Wednesday by NATO, which
    apologized for the mistake.

    The boys, who were 9 to 15 years old, were attacked on Tuesday in what amounted
    to one of the war’s worst cases of mistaken killings by foreign-led forces. The
    victims included two sets of brothers. A 10th boy survived.

    Kabul, Afghanistan - Negen jongens die brandhout verzamelden voor hun huizen in
    de bergen in het oosten van Afghanistan werden gedood door schutters in NAVO-
    helikopters die hen aanzagen voor opstandelingen, volgens een verklaring op
    woensdag door de NAVO, die zich verontschuldigde voor de fout.

    De jongens, van 9 tot 15 jaar oud, werden aangevallen op dinsdag in wat uitliep
    op een van de ergste van gevallen, in deze oorlog, van doden tengevolge van een
    onjuiste beoordeling door een buitenlandse troepenmacht.

    Bij de slachtoffers waren twee stellen broers. Een tiende jongen heeft het overleefd.

    Zie ook : Afghanistan
    Rowley says: "By every measurable means, the U.S. is losing the war."

    Afghanistan Empty Gruwel

    Bericht  Caspar 21.03.11 10:22

    US Army 'kill team' in Afghanistan posed with photos of murdered civilians
    Commanders brace for backlash of anti-US sentiment that could be more damaging than after the Abu Ghraib scandal.
    Jon Boone --- The Guardian --- Monday 21 March 2011

    Commanders in Afghanistan are bracing themselves for possible riots and public fury triggered by the publication
    of "trophy" photographs of US soldiers posing with the dead bodies of defenceless Afghan civilians they killed.
    The case has already created shock around the world, particularly with the revelations that the men cut
    "trophies" from the bodies of the people they killed.

    An investigation by Der Spiegel has unearthed approximately 4,000 photos and videos taken by the men.
    The magazine, which is planning to publish only three images,said that in addition to the crimes
    the men were on trial for there are "also entire collections of pictures of other victims that some of the
    defendants were keeping".

    The US military has strived to keep the pictures out of the public domain fearing it could inflame feelings at
    a time when anti-Americanism in Afghanistan is already running high.

    De zaak heeft al de hele wereld geschokt, vooral met de onthullingen dat de mannen "trofeeën"
    sneden uit de lichamen van de mensen die ze vermoordden. Een onderzoek door Der Spiegel heeft
    ongeveer 4.000 foto's en video's boven tafel gebracht die genomen zijn door de mannen.

    Het tijdschrift, dat van plan is om slechts drie beelden te publiceren, zei dat in aanvulling op
    de misdaden waar die mannen voor terecht staan er "ook hele collecties van foto's van andere
    slachtoffers zijn die een aantal van de verdachten in bezit hadden".

    Het Amerikaanse leger heeft er naar gestreefd om de foto's uit de publicatie te houden uit angst dat
    het emoties zou kunnen losmaken in een tijd waarin anti-Amerikanisme in Afghanistan reeds hoog oploopt.

    Afghanistan Empty Kill team

    Bericht  Caspar 24.03.11 4:52

    Soldier Gets 24 Years for Killing 3 Afghan Civilians
    By WILLIAM YARDLEY -- Published: March 23, 2011

    JOINT BASE LEWIS-McCHORD, Wash. — A soldier accused of killing Afghan civilians for sport
    was sentenced Wednesday to 24 years in prison after he pleaded guilty and agreed to
    testify against other defendants in the case.
    US soldier admits killing for sport

    Paul Harris in New York ---, Wednesday 23 March 2011 23.17 GMT

    Jeremy Morlock, 23, tells US military court he was part of a 'kill team' that faked combat
    situations to murder Afghan civilians.
    SEATTLE - Een van de Amerikaanse militairen die betrokken zijn bij een schandaal
    rond de moord op burgers in Afghanistan, heeft woensdag voor een militaire rechtbank schuld
    bekend. Het gaat om korporaal Jeremy Morlock, zo meldden Amerikaanse media.

    Afghanistan Empty Kill teams

    Bericht  Caspar 31.03.11 17:16

    Vergeet het engels en kijk naar de video"s

    Horrific: More Graphic Photos, Details About 'Kill Team' Emerge
    By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd | Sourced from AlterNet
    Posted at March 29, 2011, 7:27 am

    The Pentagon has issued another apology for the actions of the Kill Team -- the 12 soldiers who
    allegedly went on a civilian-killing spree in Afghanistan and kept photographs and human-flesh
    trophies from it. But all the press releases and public statements in the world aren't enough to
    dampen the horror, disgust and sorrow of the latest details to emerge.
    The Kill Team
    By Mark Boal --- March 27, 2011 10:00 PM ET

    How U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan murdered innocent civilians and mutilated their corpses – and how
    their officers failed to stop them. Plus: An exclusive look at the war crime photos censored by the Pentagon

    Afghanistan Empty Fundamentalisten aan beide zijden

    Bericht  Caspar 01.04.11 22:38

    Controversial Florida Pastor Reneges
    And Supervises Burning of Quran

    March 21, 2011 --- 05:20 pm --- by Eyder Peralta

    Pastors Terry Jones and Wayne Sapp

    Last year, and to much publicity, Terry Jones, an evangelical preacher in Gainesville, Fla., threatened
    to burn a Quran on Sept. 11. During the showdown, even President Barack Obama got involved. In
    an interview with Good Morning America, the president pleaded with Jones not to do it.
    "If he's listening," Obama said,
    "I just hope he understands that what he's proposing to do is completely contrary to our values [as] Americans."

    But, yesterday, during Dove World Outreach Center's Sunday service, without any publicity and under the
    supervision of Jones, Pastor Wayne Sapp soaked a Quran in kerosene for an hour, held an event he said was a
    "trial" for the Muslim holy book, and after the book was found guilty, Sapp set the Quran on fire using a
    barbecue lighter.

    The AFP reports that the book burned for about 10 minutes, while some onlookers took pictures.
    Zeven VN-medewerkers gedood bij lynchpartij Afghanistan

    Bij een gewelddadige demonstratie in de Noord-Afghaanse stad Mazar-e Sharíf zijn zeven medewerkers van de Verenigde
    Naties gedood. Vijf Afghanen kwamen om het leven.

    Update 22:03 De VN houdt het dodental van haar medewerkers op zeven. Bekend is dat onder de doden een Noor, een
    Zweed en vier Nepalezen zijn. Het vermeende brein achter de aanval is aangehouden.
    De demonstratie was gericht tegen een vermeende Koranverbranding door een conservatieve dominee in de
    Amerikaanse staat Florida. De demonstranten bestormden het gebouw van de VN in de stad, schoten op bewakers en
    stichtten brand in het complex.

    Afghanistan Empty Fanatici

    Bericht  Caspar 02.04.11 7:19

    Afghans Avenge Florida Koran Burning, Killing 12

    MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan — Stirred up by three angry mullahs who urged them to avenge the burning of a Koran
    at a Florida church, thousands of protesters on Friday overran the compound of the United Nations in this
    northern Afghan city, killing at least 12 people, Afghan and United Nations officials said.

    y ENAYAT NAJAFIZADA and ROD NORDLAND --- Published: April 1, 2011

    In Mazar-i-Sharif on Friday, Afghans chanted anti-American slogans during a demonstration to condemn the
    burning of a copy of the Muslim holy book by an American pastor.

    The dead included at least seven United Nations workers — four Nepalese guards and three Europeans from Romania,
    Sweden and Norway — according to United Nations officials in New York. One was a woman. Early reports, later denied
    by Afghan officials, said that at least two of the dead had been beheaded. Five Afghans were also killed.

    enzovoort , enzovoort

    Afghanistan Empty Conclusie

    Bericht  Caspar 02.04.11 13:47

    "This Is not the Beginning of the End
    for the International Community in Afghanistan -- This is the End"

    By Joshua Holland | Sourced from AlterNet
    This is not the beginning of the end for the international community in Afghanistan. This is the end. Terry Jones
    and others will continue to pull anti-Islam stunts and opportunistic extremists here will use those actions to incite attacks
    against foreigners. Unless we, the internationals, want our guards to fire on unarmed protestors from now on, the day has
    come for us to leave Afghanistan.

    Dit is niet het begin van het einde voor de internationale gemeenschap in Afghanistan.
    Dit is het einde. Terry Jones en anderen zullen hier blijven doorgaan met anti-islam stunts
    en opportunistische extremisten hier zullen gebruik maken van deze acties om tot aanvallen
    aan te zetten tegen buitenlanders. Tenzij wij, de internationals, willen dat onze bewakers op
    ongewapende demonstranten gaan vuren van nu af aan, dan is voor ons de dag aangebroken
    om Afghanistan te verlaten.

    The death toll is still uncertain. Reuters is reporting 20 dead.

    Afghanistan Empty Fundamentalist

    Bericht  Caspar 02.04.11 16:50

    The pastor's "Judge the Quran day" drew widespread international condemnation

    Dit is die man die nog olie op het vuur gooit; ongeacht de gevolgen.

    De volgende koranverbranding moet hij in Afghanistan gaan doen.
    Is het gelijk de laatste keer.

    Gesponsorde inhoud

    Afghanistan Empty Re: Afghanistan

    Bericht  Gesponsorde inhoud

      Het is nu 19.05.24 13:13